Our personal loan are designed to help you reach your financial goals, improves your income-generating capabilities or helps increase the value of something you own. You can use the funds from this loan option for any legitimate financial need. Like any other loan, you must repay it accordance to the agreed terms with the COOP. You are free to use the funds you get from our personal loan any way you wish – debt consolidation, home improvement projects, medical bills, finance your children’s education and refinancing an existing loan. Loans can also be used for other purposes, like paying for a wedding, vacation or other large purchase.
Products Features
- Flexible end-use
- Flexible tenure of 30 days to 365 days, and it must be covered by insurance if necessary.
- Minimal documentation.
- Flexible loan amount
- Open cheques of Beneficiary
- 2 guarantor’s cheques
- If you don’t qualify for an unsecured loan, you may be offered a secured loan.
- Repayment: Equated monthly installments.
- Must possess a valid means of identification.
- Must have a good credit track record.
- Amount: Minimum of N100,000
- Maximum of N2million (increased limit approval available)
- Maximum age of applicant at loan maturity: 60 years
- Minimum Net Monthly Income: ₦20,000
- Applicant should have the COOP’s specified credit score.
- Interest: Very competitive